Help build a better, sustainable world Where no one used to seem to care, these days we are very concerned with "the future" and adjusting our lifestyles so that we take a little better care of our planet. Melting ice caps, a hole in the ozone layer and huge CO2 emissions have a lot of people and [...]
Nasty smells on the toilet are definitely a thing of the past You can find a number of things on a toilet that make you immediately turn around and close the door behind you. A bad smell on the toilet is one of them. Of course, a toilet is there for both the small and the big message, but it comes [....]
Create an atmospheric restroom experience for visitors Not everyone is aware that the restroom experience also affects how someone thinks about your brand in your business premises. Let's look at it from a different angle. Have you ever been in someone's home on the toilet [...].
Making Toilet Rooms More Sustainable As a company, have you also set sustainability goals and are you curious about how you can make them more sustainable (sometimes with minor adjustments)? Then consider sanitary areas in particular. At Sanimood, we are working day in and day out to make our customers more sustainable. In some cases, this can be done by making only small adjustments [...].
Less absenteeism thanks to hygienic toilet In the past two years, we have noticed that hygiene is more important than ever before. Absenteeism has never been higher since COVID19. Therefore, it is important to ensure hygiene in your premises. At Sanimood, we are happy to advise you on how to ensure [...]
In the category of open doors, we have another one for you: a clean toilet makes your visit to the toilet a lot more pleasant than when the toilet is not clean. Unfortunately, you cannot control how a toilet user leaves the room, but what you can control is [...]
It's a hot topic right now: save, save, save. Everything is getting more expensive and as much as possible is being done to save energy, gas and other resources. Sustainability is more important than ever. At Sanimood, we notice this too. We get asked more and more what making your washroom more sustainable can achieve. That's where we tell [...]
In a (new) toilet area, hygiene is obviously extremely important. Clean toilets, a pleasant smell, no soaking wet washbasins and towels, and certainly no dirty joints between the tiles or mold on the ceiling. But in addition to hygiene, the toilet experience plays a particularly important role: if your visitors, customers, partners or employees have a [...]
Live your corporate identity Have you ever been to a building where you were very impressed with the space? A restaurant in an old factory hall, a dark and mysterious touch, pipes across the ceiling, a robust and old coffee maker that still makes the most delicious coffee today. You imagine yourself back in [...].
Sustainability is a "trending topic. Not only in the business world, but actually everywhere. Everyone is doing their bit to live more sustainably. At Sanimood, we have also been working in a sustainable manner and with high-quality, recyclable materials for a long time. You name it, there's a sustainable idea behind it. What does [...]